

Click here to request more info on any of the opportunities below:     


Liturgy Commission

Plans, prepares and evaluates the liturgy throughout the year.


Joyful Noise & St. Clare Choir

Provides contemporary music for the 8:30am and 10:45am Masses.


Children's Choir

Children ages 4-10, under the direction of Lourdes Johanson, sing at the monthly Family Mass and the 4pm Christmas Mass.  Practice takes place from 9-10am in the parish library the Saturday prior to the Family Mass.  Click here to read a letter to parents.


Children's Liturgy of the Word

Interested children (ages 5-10) are dismissed to the parish library after the Opening Rites at the 8:30am & 10:45am Mass.  Advance registration not required.  Adults & youth are needed to preside, read and lead music; training and materials are provided. 


Liturgical Environment Committee

Enhances worship through visual art forms. Plans, creates and maintains the environment for worship.


Liturgical Assistants

Prepare for Mass, assist priest at the altar, and clean up after Mass.


Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist

Assists with the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass.


Altar Servers

Young people in the 4th grade and older assist the priest during Mass.


Ushers & Greeters

Greet and seat people, assist with collections, distribute bulletins after Mass and tidy church for next liturgy.



Proclaim the Word of God at Mass.



Click here to request more information regarding any of the opportunities above.                           


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